
Dr. Clench conducted scientific research entitled “Psycho/Physiological Effects of Vestibular and Audio Stimulation: The Trinity Table.” This research found many positive physical, emotional and spiritual effects of the experience. The comparisons of before and after measurements taken of blood pressure, pulse, and temperature all showed statistically significant lowered measurements after the Trinity Table® experience.

Psychological testing of mood states with the Profile of Mood States(POMS), revealed reductions in anger, confusion, tension, depression, and fatigue. Standard Form (Health Survey), revealed reductions in emotional stress, pain, improvement in physical function and overall mental health improvement. All these measurements were also statistically significant.

Participants in the study also wrote narratives of their experiences. These were analyzed using Dr. Arnold Ludwig’s features of altered states of consciousness. Many features of altered states were found to be present in the writings of these participants. Some of the most common of these were alterations in thinking, sense of rejuvenation, and change in emotions.

Dr. Mary Anderson, Director of the Cardinal Center of Healing in Virginia, also conducted research on the Trinity Table®. Her research was entitled “The Trinity Table: The Effects of Vestibular and Audio Stimulation on the Healing of Psychological Trauma and the Expansion of Consciousness.” Results suggest that the experience is effective in lowering levels of pain, stress, fatigue, depression and anxiety at statistically significant levels. While levels of perceived trauma resolution were not statistically significant, changes were noted indicating a conceptual significance. Measurements also suggested a temporary increase in consciousness levels after experiencing the Trinity Table®. For more information on Dr. Mary Anderson, please visit her web site: